Food Chain Game – Intro Meeting 7/25

oigsThe Food Chain Game

Fall 2014 Programming at the Green School

Where does our food come from? Students enrolled in the Food Chain Game will learn about the full food system cycle, get to know the different people and pieces of the food system, and discover where they and their family fit in to the food system cycle. Who grows our food and how can we learn to be more engaged stewards of our local food system?

From ancient civilization history and the origin of foods from around the world, down to the soil and seeds that are essential ingredients to producing food today, Fall session Green Schoolers  are studying the Food Chain through science, language arts, creative movement, their school garden, history and social studies. Our classroom activities are combined with outdoor garden-based learning every class day for challenging weekly and monthly projects that engage each student in strong academic, intellectually challenging and real world experiences.bali green school kidscreated by the Green School and complemented by the Hawaii Island School Garden Network, Kokua Hawaii, and the Jane Goodall Roots ‘n Shoots programs. Family field trips will include visits to local farms and ethnobotanic gardens to meet the growers active in our island food chain today and those carrying forwards ancient Hawaiian sustainable agricultural practices. We’ll also be inviting families to come make paper from edible plants – and to join in a seasonal tamale making celebration!

whea cooking

The fall quarter at the Green School offers academic and hands-on experiential activities that bring learning to life and provide parent involvement field trips and activities that enrich the whole family. Weekly classes start in North Kohala on September 16th and monthly classes start in South Kona on September 19th.

Green School Introductory Meetings:

water lilyTo learn more about the Green School,  families are invited to attend an upcoming introductory gathering in North Kohala on July 16th (serving North and South Kohala) and in South Kona on July 25th (serving North and South Kona and Ka’u), 10am – noon.

Please RSVP for directions to or call 808-328-2452.

Learn more about the Green School online



Posted in One Island News

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