Living an Inspired Life



We’d be the first to agree that ‘sustainability’ and ‘green living’ are not an end in themselves. They are practices that enrich and empower cultural change agents. And combined with the Arts, inner inspiration from Nature, and other practices of Compassion and Understanding, these practices are each way points along the path that is ‘Living an Inspired Life’.


How do we combine our deeply held values, life experience, inner wisdom and inspirations, with positive choices and actions that really DO make a difference?


Perhaps a good starting place for reflection is to listen to your own inner compass. Andrew Harvey, convening leader of Sacred Activism workshops, suggests leaning in to our heart breaks, not turning away from the sorrow in the world to do some ‘easy’ volunteer work. He suggests listening to what breaks our heart, and then selecting a path of action to contribute towards changing that facet of the human or environmental condition.


This takes courage. And it potentially yields deeply satisfying rewards.


This is where the Creative Arts – and the Healing arts – offer each of us a model for creative problem solving, methods for envisioning a better world, and ways to express both our hopes and our concerns. Listening to our hearts, and acting from a place of inspired and gentle determination, that is the Art of Sustainability.


“May we remember our wholeness, that we may heal ourselves and our world”

Hallie Iglehart Austen


Enjoy the online inspirational Goddess in Art slide show and music based on Hallie Iglehart Austens’ book. And visit the non-profit she founded, All One Ocean.


At One Island we have hosted special Living an Inspired Life programs that include Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Art, Music, Poetry, Film, Feng Shui, Acupuncture, Ethnobotany, Garden Sculpture installations, Printmaking, Photography, Native Plants and Papermaking, Massage, Sacred Feminine, and Storytelling Circles – all offered to enrich and inspire. We encourage you to connect with Creative and Healing Arts progams where ever you are to enrich and deepen your life experience – and to help fortify you as an effective change agent.


Discover and Rekindle your Inspired Life through inner work, the Arts, and community service.


Be Inspired. Be Fearless!


buddha lilly


Art work courtesy Rob Schouten

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