Volunteering with One Island – sites in North and West Hawaii
Community Service – Good Heart, Great Fun, Lasting Impacts
Volunteer work is a great way to enrich your life, learn something new, improve your sustainability skills, and make a contribution to an Island community. One Island’s volunteers come from all over the world. We offer 3 hour, 3 day and 3 month learning opportunities for local visiting volunteers, The focus of the activities is always on service learning – being of service to a community non-profit, learning something you will take away to enrich your life. Teams of 2 – 800 can be served.
Daily Projects, 3-6 hours, as often as you’d like
Same Canoe Volunteer Wednesdays – morning sessions with lunch at One Island or a Wednesday meet-up at a local community garden in small group teams – see newsletter for details
No Fruit Left Behind fruit gleaning – Thursdays are NFLB days with morning crew doing gleaning 9- noon and afternoon crew doing processing 1-3.
Farmers Market – we always appreciate a hand at the Saturday or Sunday markets – help share news about the fun things you’ve enjoyed at One Island and invite others to support our mission.
Events Assistance – community festivals are a great way to help out, learn, and get to know the community. Volunteers are welcome. Set-up and day-of-event assistance always welcomed.
Youth Camp Support – the kids who come to our Green School classes and YES!! Youth Empowerment for Sustainability Camps are eager learners who jump right in on challenging science and arts learning projects. They may plant out quinoa in the morning and find it is the grain in their lunch or they will create a superfoods garden and discover acai fruit in their breaktime smoothie. These sustainable living connections happen everyday and the Camp Leaders get to enjoy their discoveries right along with them. Good Stuff!
For single day volunteers, please contact hawaii@oneisland.org
Stewardship Program
14-77 day service activities
Email oneislandganesh@gmail.com to express your interest