Aloha and Welcome to Hack for Change: Smarter Food, Health & Energy Ideas for Hawaii
You are invited to submit your suggestions for ways our island food, health and energy systems can improve their resources and delivery methods. Be part of a national effort to leverage citizen ideas and innovative technologies to change the way our society functions. More Smarter, More Better.
Facing something frustrating in Hawaii’s Food and Health systems?
Got an idea for how it could work smarter?
As part of the national and National Day for Civic Hacking efforts, we offer you an easy-to-use portal to join with communities around the United States to address civic challenges and find solutions that may have a smarter technology-based solution.
Feel free to use the comments box below to voice your concerns and include GREAT IDEAS for ways to innovate, improve, and even revolutionize our Food and Health challenge in Hawaii.
Responses will be monitored to ensure both quality and solution-focus.
The best 10 ideas will be forwarded to our elected representatives at all levels,
and to the government agencies you aim to improve.
What It’s About
Over 10,000 participants, 120 events, 103 cities, 13 countries, 22 government partners, 100 datasets, 700 innovations. An unprecedented Public-Private-People Partnership, the National Day of Civic Hacking is a national event that takes place the first weekend in June in cities around the world. The event brings together citizens, software developers, and entrepreneurs to collaboratively create, build, and invent new solutions using publicly-released data, code and technology to improve their communities and the governments that serve them. The event leverages the expertise and entrepreneurial spirit of those outside government institutions to drive meaningful, technology-based solutions for federal, state and local government. It demonstrates what’s possible when we all work together to strengthen government.
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