North Kohala residents are invited to read and submit answers to six Food, Health and Wellness Community Forum questions. All postings are moderated to ensure quality and thoughtfulness of responses. You can also comment on another person’s concern or suggested solutions. (You can use your name or initials when posting comments as best meets your privacy or public comment needs.) Postings will go live with in 24 hours.
Share your concerns and suggestions, or view other local resident comments below.
1. What are your top two concerns about Kohala’s food security?
2. What are your top two personal health or environmental safety concerns?
3. What are the top two concerns about health and safety you have for friends and family in Kohala?
4. Name two top concerns you have about Kohala’s community-scale infrastructure pertaining to food, health or wellness?
5. What FOOD SOLUTION suggestions do you have?
6. What HEALTH and WELLNESS SOLUTIONS would you like to make?
If you live in a community that would like to invite a Food, Health and Wellness Forum to be held, please send us a note below.
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