1. Kohala Forum: Food Security

What are your top two concerns about Kohala Food Security?

11 comments on “1. Kohala Forum: Food Security
  1. MB says:

    Food security depends on biodiversity. From the tiny microbes to the humans, and everyone in between, all have a crucial role in creating an environment where food security and health is possible. Concerns are: 1) eliminating toxins in the environment. 2) Lack of education on the harmful effects of round-up (etc)and education on alternatives that work and are easily used.

  2. LB says:

    What I would call unhealthy organic’s coming in the food. For example, organic food sourced from Costco, possibly from China where there are different regulations and controls (and lots of greed) vs. local organic food. For the unaware, this is hard to identify.

  3. CK says:

    Reliance on imported foods.
    Prices of food, both local and imported.

  4. JG says:

    Making more land available with water

  5. IS says:

    Sustainable farming, farming education, invasive flora and fauna

  6. RL says:

    1) affordability of healthy options. 2) greater variety and diversity. 3) commercial kitchen availability.

  7. BS says:

    Keeping it organic. GMO OUT. More cabbage!

  8. JG says:

    Chemical input. Non organic falsely labeled at farmers market. Childhood education.

  9. AF says:

    High cost of quality food. Few organic options at grocery stores. Like to buy directly from farmers, outside of market days.

  10. SC says:

    Pesticides. I hope the land will be more agriculture and not homes.

  11. Lilli Gross says:

    The overfishing of the sea and the toxicity of plastic packaging of our foodstuffs.

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